Thursday, November 11, 2010

On Enthusiasm and Cover Letters

We've all done it, sat, staring at the computer screen, trying to find new words to say the same old thing,  or replacing the name of one company with another, some of us copying and pasting the same paragraphs 500 times in different orders to try to appeal to this company or that organization.

And it never works.

I'll admit to it, too.  I have literally dozens of cover letters, all minor variations on one another, saved in my job hunt folder on my computer.  Each one with the same opening paragraph:
I am writing to apply for the position of (blank) as advertised through (blank).  I am interested in beginning my career with (company) because of (attribute).  I have (qualification) (qualification) and (qualification).
 And it only gets worse from there with each subsequent paragraph either starting with "as the (job title) at (company name) I (activity)ed." or, when I was feeling particularly clever, "In my capacity as...".

Dry as dust, I would say.

It's time to change our attitude towards cover letters.  If you're enthusiastic about a position convey that enthusiasm! Still sound professional, but don't stifle your personality in the attempt!

The right way? If I knew I would be a millionaire by now (or at least employed seven times over!) but I can tell you a few things that have worked for me:

  1. Don't do chronological.  Chances are your resume is already chronological; chronological is so been there done that.  Try topical for a change.  
  2. Hone in on a few attributes they're looking for and highlight how your experience demonstrates those attributes.  Don't try to be everything, actually focus yourself in this respect.
  3. Explain why you're interested in the position and the company.  It doesn't have to be profound, but make sure it's accurate and straightforward.
Most of all, avoid saying "As (position) at (company)" at the beginning of each paragraph.

Best regards,

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