Thursday, November 18, 2010

Phase II: Interview Friday

This Friday I will have an extended series of interviews with Woodridge Press in Anaheim.  This will be the final step in the process of evaluating me for the leadership development program.

These interviews will include meeting the Production Manager, The Financial Controller, the Warehouse Manager, the President and one other individual.  For the process I will have a coordinator who will take me through the day and out to lunch.

Each meeting will be one-on-one and will last approximately fifteen minutes.  Because I wish to appear interested in learning more about the company I will prepare questions to ask each interviewer.  Though there is the possibility that they simply wish to converse with me, in case of conversation lag I will be ready with filler questions.

For the financial controller I will ask:
  • I understand that one of the benefits of being a part of CGX means central office can supply its affiliate companies with resources, including financial backing. How closely are Woordridge Press's finances tied to CGX?
  • Does the finance department enjoy the same autonomy that the other departments are offered?
For the Manufacturing manager I have prepared these questions:
  • What methods does Woodrige use to accomedate fluctuations in demand? (ie layoffs or temporary workers).
  • What factors cause or predict fluctuations in demand in the print industry?
To the Warehouse Manager I will ask:
  • What sort of inventory tracking system does Woodridge employ?
  • Does Woodridge use Just In Time inventory?
And for the president:
  • Did you begin the LDP with the goal of becoming a company president, or was it something that you grew into?
  • Do you feel that the LDP provided you with the experience and knowledge necessary to lead a company?
  • As president, how involved are you in the day to day functionality of your location? How closely do you work with corporate?
  • What is the management structure of WP? Of CGX?
To my coordinator:
  • What makes a successful associate?
  • How are mentors chosen?
  • In what ways does CGX continue to support its LDP graduates?
And, just in case that final person is the Sales Manager:
  • On what products does the WP sales team focus its efforts?
  • What methods does WP use to find new customers?
The coordinator also recommended that I research the LDP further.  I will reread any information available through their website and attempt to locate the program in the news.  I will also read about the overall industry and how it is fairing.

Wish me luck!

Best regards,

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