These interviews will include meeting the Production Manager, The Financial Controller, the Warehouse Manager, the President and one other individual. For the process I will have a coordinator who will take me through the day and out to lunch.
Each meeting will be one-on-one and will last approximately fifteen minutes. Because I wish to appear interested in learning more about the company I will prepare questions to ask each interviewer. Though there is the possibility that they simply wish to converse with me, in case of conversation lag I will be ready with filler questions.
For the financial controller I will ask:
- I understand that one of the benefits of being a part of CGX means central office can supply its affiliate companies with resources, including financial backing. How closely are Woordridge Press's finances tied to CGX?
- Does the finance department enjoy the same autonomy that the other departments are offered?
- What methods does Woodrige use to accomedate fluctuations in demand? (ie layoffs or temporary workers).
- What factors cause or predict fluctuations in demand in the print industry?
- What sort of inventory tracking system does Woodridge employ?
- Does Woodridge use Just In Time inventory?
- Did you begin the LDP with the goal of becoming a company president, or was it something that you grew into?
- Do you feel that the LDP provided you with the experience and knowledge necessary to lead a company?
- As president, how involved are you in the day to day functionality of your location? How closely do you work with corporate?
- What is the management structure of WP? Of CGX?
- What makes a successful associate?
- How are mentors chosen?
- In what ways does CGX continue to support its LDP graduates?
- On what products does the WP sales team focus its efforts?
- What methods does WP use to find new customers?
Wish me luck!
Best regards,
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